The Legendaries – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Legendaries


Chaucer wrote The Tale of Canterbury
In the fourteenth century
To paint an ironic imagery
Of the English Society & poetry
Not in French Latin or Germany
But he wrote in English literary

With sixteenth century
Came Sir Philip Sidney
Who wrote defending poetry?
His The Defence of Poetry
Not constrained by nature or history

You must have read Christopher
Marlow’s Doctor Faustus
In which possibility of sorcery
Was not a theatrical fallacy.

William Shakespeare rose to popularity
Acted, wrote plays & poetry
His tragedies & comedies
Brought him the title, Band of Avon
That was the best to happen.

Along with William Wordsworth
Came P B Shelly in the seventh century
What to say of John Keats
Shelley & Wordsworth were his contemporaries
Who lived a short life & died of agonies.

There is so much to read that I wonder
Will I, ever be able to remember,
Recall & recite, understand & write
Poetry that could be greater than these legendaries
To create an unwritten history

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