The "Invincible Man" – Delhi Poetry Slam

The "Invincible Man"

By K Ritesh Sharma 


You started with ' if 'to make it l'if'e.
You make fl'aw's of ours into several 'Aw'ws!
'But' has been made the 'tub' of infux knowledge .
The question of W'hat' has been made to make us brass 'hat' .
W'hy' has been made to make 'h'a'y' for the light to come .
H'ow' your acheivememt of w'ow' brings us enlightenment !
Whi'ch' makes the young ri'ch' with priceless flak.
If we have to make a w'ish' for you it would be outland'ish'.
Because e'ter'nal would be the word for you to stay in'ter'minably.
May Inevita'ble' be the color of the invinci'ble'.

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