The Golden Dusk – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Golden Dusk


The sky, now a crimson red
The blue, a faded black.
My mind, slipping into oblivion,
My heart, drowning into the dark.

I pass by the tomb stones,
Hearing each soul cry.
Some, for desires unfulfilled,
Some, for the love that stood by.

My heart is one with them
It’s no stranger to pain.
Broken by the burdens of deceit,
resolving, never to trust again.

I wonder; have I forgotten my strength?
Or, is it the world that has made me weak.
The day may have brought me to my knees,
But, the Dusk; Oh! The golden Dusk
has new promises to keep.

The fireflies have gathered,
the horizon, a burning glow.
There is hope beyond the darkness,
It’s finally time, for me to go….!

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