The Firsts – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Firsts


The firsts of everything is so important
Yet so minuscule
It sets a stage, a tone
Or even a milestone
Anything that goes later
Ought to be larger
Doesn't matter how much
Once the foundation is set
No gust of wind has the power to annihilate
It's just that first step
That makes all the difference
You remember it for years
If all goes well, it becomes a reminiscence
Anecdotes of sorts
Years later you glorify your stories
Your firsts
If somehow it breaks, it becomes an aching remembrance
You still have stories, but you cry them to sleep
Twitching and turning you silently weep
If only you could stop the storms
Scenarios that could have been
Maybe years later you try again
But some things that are gone
Can never be as good as new
Refurbished maybe,
But can never be sturdy and strong
That's why they're minuscule but so important
The firsts

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