The fire within and the fire around – Delhi Poetry Slam

The fire within and the fire around

By Navita Bansal

It was a day of gloom, when she got the news
Of her husband’s death, deep was the bruise
“You’re now a widow”, people said,
You’re incomplete now that your man is dead;

You’ll have to go, following his way
This world is no longer for you to stay,
Your life was his, the day you tied the knot,
With that red colour, your soul was bought;

The wood was ready, the fire lit
And on the flames , she was asked to sit,
She looked at it, scared beyond words,
For her pleas, she knew, would be left unheard;

They forced her forward, chanting her name
All her cries, she felt, were in vain
She stopped and fought the pushing arms
It was only her who could prevent this harm;

Using all her strength, she broke free
From the dreaded place, she started to flee,
She could hear the people shouting behind,
But she ran on with a determined mind

She did not stop till she was far away
Night had fallen, the skies had turned grey
She stopped to clear her mind off the storm
Gradually, slowly, she regained her form

She was shocked to see the society’s face,
And she swore in her mind to solve this case
She set off on the path with a goal so strong,
And moved ahead to fight all wrong.

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