The Dragon in the Prisons – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Dragon in the Prisons

By Shuvam Dewanjee

The night feels long and the square is quiet
Within the prison walls a dragon lurks,
The guards take aim with bullets provided
Not knowing where its mother resided
They’re praying it works as the condemned smirks.

Glasses clink in their bureaus and estates
One more gone is another nail hammered
In the coffins of their struggles in vain
Time will tell, nervously they said again
With their towers built, only they mattered.

They have rifles to kill and planes to bomb
Tear gas to scare and money to be spared
The masses are no longer in their palm
Unlike what they think, they’re not in our psalm
Who would build or serve them with their thoughts bared.

King makers turn Kings to cadavers too
Masses can’t be counted but you can be
They shall rule themselves with no need for you
As one falls, ten rise to carry on through
To raise their flag high to be at last, free.

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