Laughter on the Lips,
Burnt aches in the Heart,
A façade I wear for a Mask,
I am alive but I am Invisible,
This is My World I tell myself,
Oh Pain, I know this feeling one too well.
A Dance on the Sunny street,
A Shadow lurks the corner,
I Drift in the crowd,
Unnoticed in the Shackles I wear for shoes,
I am Free, yet I am Stuck I tell myself,
Oh Pain, I know this feeling one too well.
A Night Sleep,
A Forbidden Romance with the Monster in my head,
I am of Age,
yet I Curl up like a Womb of Rage,
I live in my Made-up World I tell myself,
Oh Pain, I know this feeling one too well.
Here and there,
but never really Here,
I am Broken, Brazen and Beaten,
I am the Residence where the Pain resides an unwanted Guest,
A Time-loop I tell myself,
Yet, I am the Light that Shines the Sun Bright.