The Colour I Know – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Colour I Know

By Avni Ratra

"In a world of grey and black, everything is a colour.
The tiny portions of my life are covered in hues of maroon and more.
Residing in a photograph, table cloth, painting, an oil color or a flower - my colour is a language I speak through my eyes.

A Maroon is everything the world seems to be made up of.
The linen cloth on the table, the candles to light my way, the flower vase to decorate my white lilies in - are dressed in Maroon.
The ink I write in, the pencil I sketch my canvas in, the colour of the walls - all that make up my world is a Maroon.

I store my love for Maroon in a letter enveloped in a maroon sleeve
to describe the world of A Maroon, I lived in.
I set it to sail across the sea to let my world of Maroon
travel and seek love from the fraternity that know the love of A Maroon."

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