The Caliper – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Caliper

By Rupam Malakar


Misery hits me for the first time,
When I knew about her disability,
Polio affected,
At that moment I didn’t understood,
What it was all about,
I was a kid,
And I asked her and prayed to god,
To make her fit,
I thought god was gonna make this thing right,
That whole day I asked her if it was going to be okay,
She told me it would remain like this for her entire life,
And I flooded with rain all over,
Then I hold her leg and prayed more,
Just to make that one thing right,
She holds me and we both fell asleep,
I was still holding on to her leg,
The right leg,
After a lil nap we both woke up,
She told me to release her leg,
And I obeyed her call,
Rain dropped,
And she told me by ceasing the rain for a while,
Remember my child,
We have to push ourselves forward no matter what,
Nothing can stop us from doing our thing,
And she said you don’t know me son,
I was the toughest badass in my town,
I fell,
I tried,
I failed,
And I rise,
Every single time,
I gave her a coy smile,
My god she meant those words,
Something inside me was going to be right,
Right there,
In that moment,
Those words were heartfelt,
She did everything for us,
And is still doing,
I have seen her when my father died,
She is the meaning of hope,
She is the name of strength,
She is my love,
She is the epitome of,
What we call all of the above,
She is my wonder woman,
She is lois lane,
And if I’m gonna screw my life one more time,
She will still be there to wipe my pain,
You are not only a woman,
There is something greater in you,
And sometimes I think,
That god is a woman,
Like ariana grande sings,
In her song,
I can hear that song now,
Without even listening to it,
My soul is dancing,
Contemporary form,
And there you are,
Sitting in a sofa,
Watching television,
And giving me a vision,
To succeed,
To create your love,
In this homage poem.

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