The Beauty and the Beast – Delhi Poetry Slam

The Beauty and the Beast

By Ashnab Raees Shaikh

There's a villain in every story.

The wicked witch of the west,

 A wicked witch of the east, 

The evil step mother,

A monster, a beast. 

What does the villain look like? 

Some people may ask. 

It doesn't always have a black cape, 

Or a witch's broom, 

Or a big and scary mask. 

I have a villain of my own, But she's kind of hard to see. 

She has a really good disguise- 

She looks a lot like me.

Mirror mirror on the wall, Who's the fairest of them all? 

Or maybe it's 

Monster monster inside of me, 

Tell me tell me what you see. 

Rip me apart 

Tear me to shreds 

Make me a prisoner Inside my own head 

Tell me what I am 

And tell me what I'm not. Tell me what I need 

And tell me what I got.

You bring out my scars My sadness, fears, and aggression. 

You cause me a lot of envy 

And leave me with depression. 

Deprive me of my confidence 

Take away my self esteem 

Cause me to fear judgement 

And make me yell and scream.

You taunt me with your words

Like this is some kind of game.

But when it comes down to it

There's no one else to blame.

This villain isn't a creature.

Or a devil sent from hell.

It isn't a witch or demon,

The villain is myself.

I try to fight it but it won't stop

It's never going to cease.

It's mean. It's a liar.

I'm the beauty and the beast.

There's a villain in every story, 

A statement that is true. But how do you kill the monster, 

When it lives inside of you?

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