By Naisha Nagpal
They say I have insomnia,
‘Temazepam, Triazolam, Zaleplon and Zolpidem.'
Meds meds meds,
No hope,
Not even an ounce.
I mean, how are things supposed to work,
With names you can’t even pronounce!
They say the past keeps haunting you,
And now we’re back to square one.
No pills, meds, syrups, none,
But with remedies that smell worse than my shoe!
Cardomom and Cinamon,
Honey and Beetroot,
To the notorious Dr. Wilson-
Temazepam, my foot!
Ah! Yes, I have insomnia,
And yes, meds are useless,
And yes, those tonics, too, don't work.
But who knew-
Latitudes and Longitudes,
Oceans and Seas.
Dearest Mr. Brown,
The one with the nose of a clown.
Would prove to be the antidote,
Of a so-called cureless disease,
With his treasured Geography lessons,
He’d manage to put me to sleep.
This is so beautiful. I love this!
Beautifully written.