sweet, raw confessions – Delhi Poetry Slam

sweet, raw confessions

By Priyal Didwania

What if I wanted to explore the honeycomb of revelations lathered in your mind? Get lost in the sweet mess, taste it, and marvel at the lusciousness of your thoughts. And when you smile, its reason I’ll know and tell you how much more it is than a smile. I’ll tell you how my mouth hurts, my heart aches, and how my angels sing for you;

What if I wanted to explore the mushy rainforests of your youth? With dense trees of denial and foot-long deep feelings. You’d want to keep the flashlight in the bag but I’d insist. I’d pull out a weed, you’d tell me you feel lighter. With misty eyes, you’d realize how much I mean to you as you watch light enter the forest, a light that looks, smells, and feels like me;

What if I wanted to visit you by the night tent of the circus crew? In dim-lit festivity, a stealthy rendezvous awaiting a night of hopping, cotton candy, and chuckles by the Ferris wheel. Our parents shan’t know how a clown and a lady found their light ‘neath the dark sky, or how we popped the twisted balloons on the promenade as you taught me about the circus of life;

What if I wanted to join you for an extravagant Victorian masquerade ball? Where we float all night, find an empty champagne tower and you marvel at the silk I’ve adorned. My gloves in yours, you melodize an archaic romance and I’m lost in you. In the cinnamon lights, I am pulled into your dark walnut eyes and captivated by the strokes of gold I can see in them, like frozen melodies on a chilly winter morning. How fortunate I would be;

What if we were mermaids, swimming and gliding in the buttery waters of the vast ocean? Tangled up in seaweed and corals, our hair flowing, our tails touching, and you’d let me reach into such depths of your soul that the ocean would find herself shallow of such emotion;

What if we were dinosaurs and you led the way? Amidst elephant trumpets, monkey screeches, and the squawk of coloured birds that no longer exist. What if the world was terrified of us but I was the sweetest creature you’d ever seen? And when we snuggled against the crackling fire in our cave-like alcove, I’d feel your strong skin engulfing mine.

What if you were my muse? What if my paintings were blank without your colour? What if it’s the thought of you that bleeds through me and devotes itself to my canvas? What if every statue I build somehow ends up looking like you? What if every song I hear ends up sounding like you? What if every book I read seems to be written about you? And what if every poem I write is nothing and nothing but you? What if I immortalize you in every footprint that I leave? What if?

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