Sita: An Interpretation – Delhi Poetry Slam

Sita: An Interpretation

By Supritha Maiya 


Sita : An Interpretation

They questioned you right from the beginning.

“Are you still noble?”,
they asked in loud, raucous voices.
This judgement rains upon you
and you keep quiet.
You endure.

They coloured you black,
and named you reckless!
They questioned your chastity
and you were shocked.
But then, a seed of doubt
arises in him.

You were shattered.

You think back and
rewind to all those times
you trusted him,
and cherished the undisputed existence
of the same from him.
They asked you to tread
unabashed: through fire.
Your feet lead you through this path,
knowing, that you will pass this test.

You, my dear Sita:
are the dawn of revolution.

You are:
the epitome of resolution and forgiveness.

You are:
A true woman.



  • Thank you for taking the time to read through the poem, Srinath Sir! :)

    Supritha Maiya
  • Right from my childhood I have been angry with SriRama to trust an uncouth ಧೋಬಿ. As a child 60 years ago in Hassan, I have cried listening to this unrequited injustice to Sita. Supritha, your poem on Sita is magnificent.

    Dr HR Srinatha

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