Sins and Chaos – Delhi Poetry Slam

Sins and Chaos

By Careen Alma Lakadong

The clock moved forward,

Skipping a lifetime of meant to be memories.

The flowers bloomed and withered

As the season came and went,

But the whistling tunes of the gondolier

Echoed miles and miles away.

Chaos and confusion were sold in packets at the local shop,

The malls were filled with headless mannequins,

Unveiling the true intentions of everyone.

Unrevolving earth pose a threat of confusion for the genius minds.

A catastrophic event; a fire spreading out,

Converted everything to ashes,

It reminded them of the lines, "For dust thou art,

and unto dust shalt thou return."

The Church's seats remained empty,

As more atheists roamed around the streets.

Bigotry inked on the foreheads of pretentious ministers,

While they open up their arms to accept;

People who are indoctrinated bow at their feet,

Spreading hate from the book many people believed in, forgetting,

"God is love," and, love is what makes them know God.

The dreamers dream their life away,

While the wanderers search for the meaning

of their life in the stars.

The dark alleys shone with the light it absorbed,

The choirs sang their praise of "Hallelujah,"

And the teachings were imbibed in everyone's brain,

All rejoice for the victory they have achieved:

Self-destruction became beautiful,

And self-healing a sin.

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