Seasons change, cataclysm reigns – Delhi Poetry Slam

Seasons change, cataclysm reigns

By Tianna Shethna

Life is not always endowed with rain showers of  and elation
Perhaps when you see it drizzle and deluge , don't wait my friend , go and get wet
As time is an asset and is limited
You will be astound by the fact that
What just glided to your heart and lifted your spirit
Soon has an end,

Sometimes the frost outside
Deepens the enormity of cold terror inside ,
Thinking that the grief won't subside,
The good evocation and memories won't be revived
The feelings won't de - escalate
Now the  biggest fear of my plight has begun to reside ,
Would all this be my life long accomplice ?

Who knew that in the clutch of adversities and sufferings one might see the panamera of  amelioration..
Is this the sign of something to arrive
Has the spring begun to reside
Will flowers of  faith and hope blossom in the withered field of snow and sorrows

Now it's  the time to make you aware of an Impeccable truth in the ruinous storms of life
The autumn has arrived , but don't worry my friend
When everything is lost , all new things are found
Life is on with its haze and gaze , you must learn that the seasons change and so your life's way, everything is temporary ,what you cherish today soon has an end and that you may again find the gateways of treasures on your end

But never let your faith , belief and desire within you die in the journey of life as
Where there is suffering there is advancement too as an accomplice

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