Saṃsāra – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Antariksha Chatterjee

Severing all its ties,
Prolapses the crestfallen star
Plummeting plunging into doom letting out its final sigh.
Lost in deep slumber,
The thoughts buried in the bosom left unspoken,
Motionless body drooping in reminiscence of halcyon days.

Gone are the days never to be found again.
Frozen memories encapsulated in the womb of time.
Enthusiasm and vigour all lost their essence today,
Transitioning through spring, summer and autumn,
The wintry gust liberates the desiccated soul from its earthly shrine.

The ashen face resembles the waning moon,
The pallidity adumbrates jocund-jubilant heydays.
The soul which thrived once is just a corpse now, a cadaver devoid of all spark.
Still lay the fast-beating heart, the wrinkly petal skin disheveled.
Still lay the body never to speak again.
Afflicted with pain and endless tribulations,
Struck down with perplexity,
Quiteus from whips and scorns of time;
Cessation of all suffering.

Laboured breathing, sore cries extinguished as the late night's lamp blew off.
The cacophony joined the farewell rhapsody,
The silence bids adieu to welcome the incandescent bloom,
For the wonders of cosmos manifest itself in multifarious incarnations.
The curtain falls,
Echoing the prelude to a genesis of an epoch.

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