By Aditi Jha
I sat in the car, driving towards the horizon.
Is it one? Seems like it, for the sky and earth’s surface touch.
I was a bit excited, for I finally got to escape this prison
Called life, that I didn’t like that much.
I tried to remember how I got here,
Where I was, why was I driving on this never-ending road.
Ah, that’s right - I died on the highway that’s near.
I sighed, as my heart got rid of the confusion’s load.
But the spot where relief once stayed was quickly snatched by fear
As I noticed blood trickling down my head.
I couldn’t feel any pain, but on my cheeks I felt a drop of tear.
I wiped it - only to see that it, too, is red.
So this is what happens when one dies? You simply drive on a road with a pink sky for a view?
Is this where the ultimate truth lies? Everything so plain after death, nothing new?
Honestly, I was waiting for a grim reaper to take my soul with him -
But this seemed too boring, even more boring than the way that truck ran over me.
Why am I able to see everything so clearly, even when the lights around me are dim?
Are these other cars full of dead bodies too? Let me see.
That’s when I turned my head left, and saw the man driving his car beside mine -
His forehead adorned holes, as if that’s where at least two bullets had met.
He didn’t seem visibly scared. In fact, a bit too fine.
That’s when I realized, reality had not dawned upon him yet.
Then I turned my head right, and saw a woman with blue lips;
My first guess was that she died of poisoning.
She seemed more normal, for she was shouting and biting off her finger tips,
But her windows were closed, so I couldn’t hear the cries and words she was voicing.
So this is what happens when one dies? You simply drive on a road with a pink sky for a view?
One sits in shock, one cries? None of them are able to make out what’s false and what’s true?
If there’s a God awaiting at the end of the road,
I would be mad, but not surprised at all.
After all, he is the farmer and we are the seeds he sowed -
And we shall leave the earth when he decides to call.
I couldn’t wait any longer, so I increased the speed
And rushed my car towards the horizon.
The sky didn’t just have a hint of pink anymore, it seemed -
Its shade was redder, and the sun had risen.
It was weird, why isn’t the sky blue if the sun’s up?
Ah, silly me - expecting Afterdeath to abide by the rules of science.
But I didn’t let go of the accelerator as my mind filled with gup,
And I could see sprinkles flying around me - sprinkles of my conscience.
So this is what happens when one dies? You simply drive on a road with a pink sky for a view?
“No,” the man on my backseat sighs. “You were simply the next man on the queue.”
I turned back, scared, to look at the man who answered,
But the car didn’t crash even though I stopped driving mid-way.
Mentally, I was ready to be robbed, killed, or ransomed,
But the man simply looked at me and said, “You were a lot case anyway.”
“Who are you?” I asked. “I have never seen you before.
Are you the grim reaper? God, the universe?
Are you the one who shall take my soul?
Will I be sent to heaven or be damned and cursed?”
The man replied, “men have too many questions;
And if I were a man, I would’ve been tired of answering them all.
But I am a being full of peace, and you overflow with ambition.
So let me tell you - you have been called.”
He continued - “You see this sky? It used to be white once.
As white as the sun shining above you.
But then humans betrayed the code of kindness, and thus began the dance
Of extracting human blood and mixing it in this sky, which explains the pink hue.
You really thought butchering animals, raging wars,
Killing children, enslaving your brothers and sisters by force
Will have no consequences?” He smirked. “Look around you, every corpse
Is heading towards the horizon, to make the sky pinker and redder through their remorse.”
“Am I one of them?” I asked. “I never harmed anyone!”
“You didn’t,” replied the man. “Directly, at least.
But every torturous acted committed and war crimes done
Has killed starving kids and animals as you sit for your feasts.”
“So what?” I screamed. “I will pay for the acts of my government?
How is that fair? I never wanted animals, children, and helpless to suffer!”
“If you felt so strongly,” the man answered, “where were the signs of your torment?
Were you protesting, fighting, and cursing people who made the simple act of existing tougher?
Let me answer your question, you didn’t.
And now, you shall be a part of the pink sky that shall one day be red.”
As I turned to look in front, I understood the hint
For the car suddenly stopped, and it was time for me to shed.
I looked at the man and begged for the last time
“Please, give me a chance, I shall make things right!”
He smiled, and I understood it wasn't the first time he heard this line.
So I stepped out of the car, and shut my eyes tight.
This is what happens, when one dies. You simply drive on a road with a pink sky for a view.
The one who didn’t stand against the suffering cries, since there’s no one to stand for him too.
As a beam of pink light shone over me
I looked back for one last time
The roads, the vehicles, the man - I couldn’t see anything clearly
My vision went blurry as my blood mingled with the pink sky.