Of fleeting sunsets – Delhi Poetry Slam

Of fleeting sunsets

By Shreya Deshpande

I think I was in 6th standard in school when I first realized that you can't go back to fleeting memories.
I was sitting on the floor doing some homework and I saw yellow flowers on the big tree outside.
The tiny yellow flowers that grow on acasia trees? I don't know the real name but I remember my sister telling me how those are called "April phools" cause they grow in april.
I remember believing her and giggling for the new discovery.

I don't think I learnt much of English at the time to know the word Introvert.
I hardly knew about the existence of internet.
But I remember the sunbathing palm trees I met everyday at 5pm on the terrace.
I remember the excitement when the tiny flowers showed up on mango trees.

I dont think I see sunsets anymore.
I didnt know its called the golden hour.
I didnt know its called solitude.
I am glad I didnt.

But I wish I knew the prices we pay for knowledge and wisdom and adulthood.
I would have cherished my sunsets more.

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