O' Democracy – Delhi Poetry Slam

O' Democracy

By Amrish Urade 


O' Democracy,
I am your oppo from my advent.
I take stand to usher you.
You are living 'modus operandi',
I ask,
Why do you move apart from masses?

O' democracy,
They tag you being disoriented,
And often 'work's one fingers to the bone'.
Calling you 'Phenomenal Mother' for being warden.
But I ask,
Where is your kind heart to conglomerate us?

O' democracy,
You are the dawn of this era.
Your yearning is as much as of Jacobin Cuckoo.
I read, I interpreted, I dispensed you.
But I cried,
Why don't you embrace us?

O' democracy,
Don't you see the human suffering?
Why did you become blind?
Where is your eye-opener?
Thus I lament,
Why are you voiceless on the land of democracies?'

O' democracy,
Manifest your mercy for mankind,
Sweep away the despotism for humanity,
Spread the rays of hope, peace, freedom and compassion
Sing a song of life and amalgamate everyone.

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