My Favourite Novel – Delhi Poetry Slam

My Favourite Novel

BY Dr. Ayushi Gupta 

Saying "bye" to him is like reaching the last page of my favourite novel..
Spending time reading it gives me so much happiness..
As the last chapter of novel ends,
I begin to think, how beautiful and perfect the plot was..
I always feel the joy as well the pain as each chapter ends,
Finally trying to understand the moral of the story,
Although the last words are difficult to read,
Just like the feeling of parting from him,
Again counting days, weeks, months, to see him..
I may stumble upon yet another great journey,
But again and again I return back to the book I am leaving behind,
May be i want to stare his face till he disappears,
Or may be i want to feel his hug that il cherish for the days we miss each other,
And my hands want to hold his one last time,
May be I want to re read that novel again,
But once all is said and done,
I know I have to turn the last page of the novel,
As another book awaits,
But I knew this was my favourite story all along,
The smell of the pages, the memories of the characters hold me back,
I tell myself to let go and look forward ..
Everytime then I question myself
"Before leaving why it is important to meet just once last time "

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