Mirror The Mind – Delhi Poetry Slam

Mirror The Mind

By Hridya Ondan Gopinath

Is a mirror all that it is,
Leaving you simply to your dots and dashes?
Has she not the power, innate,
To rummage and delve into deeper gashes?

That of yesterday and of the past
It presents your life’s hidden;
Those easy said’s and easy done’s,
And breaks and falls, unbidden.

One day, in your reflection,
You stand all-knowing; all clear.
You see not simply blacks and reds
But burden that hath no colour.

Let laughs be green, let tears be blue;
One over the other, let not amass.
While anger can vent and fear can help
Their powers, let not, surpass.

Keep still your ego though disgust may shake
That aura of nonchalance on a tight rope.
Love? An illness – its infection guilt-free.
But shock - for that you leave no scope.

Through that mind, the self you are,
Life's essence in rays a million, glare.
Slowly yet surely bring them to the eye
And let peace rule in despair.
Into a nothing, complete you'll then be,
All stone, sand and sun declare.

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