Love story the Beach and his Ocean

By Shambhavi Jha

Her love was steadfast, but she loved to keep me on my toes.

Driving me crazy as my head felt dizzy each morning,

Although the universe seldom made sense of us,

I knew she was one the moment, her waves circled to my shores.


Each night, the tides would bring her closer, 

In her embrace I found my anchor, and in mine she found a home,

But, oh she was headstrong, always trying to reach the skies,

Each morning, I was left with the caricatures of her soul.


With every ebb and flow, she chased this love,

Every time she stayed, we would talk through the night,

Under the moonlight, her eyes shone, 

The cities would rejoice every time she hummed her favorite song,

Her love was passionate, kept me longing every time she left the shores.


This love was fierce, and I feared it would vanish every time she disappeared,

But her smile was a constant reminder that our love was capable of weathering thunderstorms and rains,

It was always meant to be, 

For her love was steadfast and it was enough.

1 comment

  • So well written!


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