Lone Archer – Delhi Poetry Slam

Lone Archer

By Venkata Shreyas Prathy

"There he stands alone,
in a forest of pain,
alive only for the sake of his will,
represents the only inheritance of his great old,
standing alone,
sharpening his arrow,
until it pierces steel

There he stands alone,
living the life of a saint,
yet his life seems full of paint,
brightening his white and black present,
coating his future in rainbow,
yet, it's so dull,
losing the thrill of the hunt,
he is the Apex predator,
yet he feels like prey,
a prey to loneliness, misery and gloom

There he stands alone,
as one, as the only one,
to have encompassed joy,
but never seems to have conquered his sadness,
all because,
joy is a front."

1 comment

  • Chy. Shreyas, congrats, your narration about " Lone Archer" is excellent. Keep it up. It seems you inherited from your Baburao Thatha.

    Kameswararao Chennuru

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