(Live)liness – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Tia Thakkar

Blow the heaps of dust,
The dust on pictures,
Pictures our lives click for us,
To store as memories.

Live with laughter and zest,
The zest for everything in life.
Life offers us the craziest best,
And wants us to mix it's ingredients,
To identify the best meal that we test.

Look at life like a student,
Whether you're 18 or 88.
Crave more to learn,
Than to eat sweets.
There are more mediums to learn than to earn.

Emotions are the window, not the door,
All are in the house,
And to see a better view,
Change the window,
Not the house.

Don't wait for 'Year' to come ahead of 'New',
To start each 'Day' as it's too 'New'
Be grateful for everything you have,
Never be satisfied but always happy,
You always have more than you think you have...

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