Little peace of mind – Delhi Poetry Slam

Little peace of mind

By Shreya Chakraborti

A little peace of mind,
Is the hardest to find.
Even if u run away to the farthest place.
The mind in you, wouldnt leave the rat race.
Always wants to compare,
He is happy and am in despair.
Always wants to see,
who is more merrier than me.
And these petty little fights,
which nobody knows,
make you frail and bring new woes.
And when life gives u a real jerk,
you give up the fight and go berserk.
And then it makes you ponder,
all this while when there was spring,
when there was a chance for rejoicing,
when I could have danced to the tune,
and admired life's beauty and boon.
Instead I made my own devil,
slaved by my thoughts,
chained by the evil.

The most powerful is the mind in you,
beware of what you think,
and what it makes you do.

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