Let him go – Delhi Poetry Slam

Let him go

By Immane Shiphrah

They say letting go is an art.
Holding on tighter will only tear you apart.
But If not to love, why have a heart?
To let go is not why we start.
They say better things are in store.
But oh my, that's not what I adore.
I only wish to see him when i open the door.
If not him, I don't think I'd love anymore.
I'm not in the hunt for the brightest or the best.
I only need a man who can make lighter,
The weight in my chest.
Though sometimes he's not enough,
You can't help it. You love who you love.
People leave. Everyone does.
They also leave a magical star dust
Without which life would make no sense
And after them, you build a fence.
You then don't let anybody in
In everyone who comes, you try to find him.
The worst part is, you start writing poems for him.
Sing them every morning like church hymns.
But now the papers are torn and crushed.
And he doesn't have a clue you loved him thus.
It hurts but you don't know where.
So you go out with unpressed clothes and unkempt hair.
You start realizing life isn't fair.
But you try to pretend like you don't care.
You convince yourself that this hole in your chest
Will be filled by someone better, oh! the best.
Little do you know the void doesn't adjust.
It fits only him, and not the rest.
Definitely not the 'best'.

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