it's just a voice

By Arya Murali

it is yet another day
they say rise and shine

but all I pray
is my demons be at bay

still they come
to feast on my life
ever so hungry
and thirsty for my cry

ripping my insides out
and filling me with self doubt
roaring loud in my head
and silencing my voice

you’re no good
so don’t you try
you don’t belong
so you go hide

don’t be seen
they’ll laugh at you
don’t you try
who do you think you are?

it’s just a voice
it’s just a voice
i remind myself
it’s just a voice

it doesn't speak the truth
so let it be
it’ll come and go
pay no heed

because when it’s done
it’ll leave you be
until then
just hold onto me

breathe now

now chant with me
it’s just a voice
it’s just another day
it’s just a voice
it’s just another day

yes, it's just a voice
it's just another day
to rise and shine
and not let the demons
keep you at bay

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