It is India – Delhi Poetry Slam

It is India

By Sandip Saha

If anything-physical can be immortal
soul of the universe so vividly present
before naked eyes
whom invaders have mauled again and again
even today where ferocious insane claws
are trying to pull it apart to drink its blood
that is the place called India.
Formed before even history can look
she who never went out to rob territory
can live on very little wealth
worthy of mention
that too for thousands of years
that is what is called India.
Poor eyes of the world can see only poverty there
shameless can come running for solace to her
when burnt in the flame of life
without bothering to contribute anything
that is the ever-soothing place India.
Oh! selfish world, how long
will you go on sucking her blood? How long?
Stop it now for good or else it may be too late.

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