I see you

By Dwijisha Katkar 


I read signs
In soft whispers
The tone of your voice
In body languages
And your sighs
The changing of tides
The moon, going with
Obscured light
Casting of the ocean
Of messy cupboards
And unwashed clothes
The unclean room
Candles left unburnt
Of multiple dates
Turning into a habit
To find some comfort
With no soul to bare to
The ground trembling
Chaos etched in place
A single scream
Piercing through the night
Of random walks
Museums and galleries
Struck by beauty, all around
Unable to contain the darkness within
Fights and misunderstandings
Parents feeling helpless
As their child succumbs
Under all that pressure
The disease of "hope"
Forever engraved, with knife
Blood leaking from
The spaces in your heart
Of drunk nights
And terrible mornings
Dancing with random strangers
And repeating the same mistakes
Wanting to stay alone
But still wanting company
Too afraid to ask for it
With hopeful eyes
Wishing on wishbones
Shooting stars and eyelashes
Relief coming
And going away too quickly
Drowning words in songs
The hurt pouring out
In sinew and blood
Overflowing the cup
The subtle hint of
Frayed leaves
Calling to their own
In your eyes
Drooping down
For a whiff of love
In the misery of the present
Away from it all.

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