I am feeling anti-establishment today – Delhi Poetry Slam

I am feeling anti-establishment today

By Harleen Kaur 


I dreamt of this, for years on end
the day I wear a suit and stand
tall with the pride of being independent
Now here I am
after a moment of ecstasy
of being employed and salaried
wondering, am I an employee, or am I a slave
working 10 hours a day
Is it just me or is this uncommon?
to demand a life of love and laughter
not one of screen and endless ladders

Climb, they say
the higher you climb, the better you're paid
In sickness and in health
in trouble and in stress
in joyful moments and on depraved days
work until your memories fade
of the beauty of your mum's smile
who now lives miles away
of the days where you decide your own pace
of an existence that feels like a flow
not a ticking bomb that might blow
anytime you pull off that mask
of being a disembodied shark

Climb, they did
for survival sake
they proved they are fit
They stand high and stooped
ache in their back as they move
to their house at 10 at night
to see their kids depraved of light
to see their house with more things than life
to see the mirror with a ghost in sight

Climb, I will
my own ride
it will be a mountain not a ladder
I will pursue the sky not the matter
with love on my side
it will be a stroll with friends
none trying to outshine the rest
growth will come with peace of mind
we might lose the bling of the ladder
but the skies would be worth the fight.


  • Beautifully penned down!

  • ✨️

  • Beautiful 🤌✨


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