Half-dead Angel – Delhi Poetry Slam

Half-dead Angel

By Harshvardhan Jaiswal 


Half-Dead Angel

That day was rainy, and ribbits were in the surround,
I heard a voice of sobbing in the background,
After so troubling in searching of that sound,
I found a girl of an age of 9 -around,
She was trying to hide herself from the nearer shed,
I saw an angel who seems to be half-dead,

I asked her name, but no answer had come,
Than I said."Okay tell me who is your Dad & Mom...?"
I will help you baby, if you tell "where you came from...?"

The stillness in her voice was enough to create storm,
her cheeks, her hands were wounded and turned red,
I saw an angel who seems to be half-dead.

To overcome the fear and panic i japed,
The little girl whispers ,inside her what is taped,
She told me, in the mid-night , how did she escaped,
Those brutals were planned to kill her ,
After she being raped ,
My heart ached so hard , in anger eye turned red,
I saw an angel who seems to be half-dead ,

I took her to the hospital,
her life was on the line
Doctors fought to save her,
but chances were not so fine ,
Her parents arrived, tears streaming down their face
Their little angel, broken, in a brutal, senseless place

I stormed into the station,
justice my heart's desire
Those predators must be hanged ,
their evil can't retire
I want they pay the price, ultimate and true
For the heinous crime they committed,
With no mercy , like they do ,
Her eyes frozen in a scream,
her innocence shattered and lost
Her childhood gone, her life forever scarred, at any cost
My heart is broken, forever torn, my soul in torment and pain
My world forever dark, with no escape, no gain
What kind of society we have made ,
What kind of people we are ,
We unable to stop the bloodshed,
Which gives Humanity a scar ,
If we don't raise our voice,
Then who will going to led ,
All half-dead angels will be soon going
all dead...
By Harshvardhan Jaiswal.

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