Father, the unsung hero – Delhi Poetry Slam

Father, the unsung hero

By Gurnaaz Kaur

Everyone regarded father as merely the breadwinner,
But I'll share his tale with paper and pen, to reveal the inner.

Everyone honors mother for her countless sacrifices,
Yet, who speaks of father's silent compromises?

If he keeps his sorrows concealed,
Does that mean his heart has never reeled?

When a father spends all he earns on his children’s needs,
And in return, they question his deeds.
Many proclaim, "My dad is a hero,"
But few comprehend his journey from zero.

Even when you had nothing, dad,
You gave us everything, for that we're glad.

To help us reach our dreams, dad, you became our foundation,
So for your unwavering support, I offer my deepest appreciation.

In our lives, you’ve always played a crucial role,
And for your sacrifices, I thank you with my soul.

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