Entropy – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Alisha Mahajan

Sometimes I feel like I'm on the ledge of a big kitchen counter,
About to fall flat on my nose worried if I'll have a messy encounter;
With my hair blowing faster from the steam of untouched identities,
I just long to swim in a sink full of warm and soapy realities.

With bits of food particles strewn around like the pieces of my restless mind,
And condensates trickling down forming a ring of uncertainty that's ever so unkind;
Unsure about the stale food kept in the freezer of my confused soul,
Untouched potential of raw chicken leaves a dark and deep hole.

Calmness in the atmosphere with waves crashing into the oblivion,
The sky illuminates with bursts of amber onto the horizon;
The moon peaks from behind the clouds and hums it's angelic lullaby,
With stars scattered about the sullen sky, it nourishes the soul like a hymn sung on Christmas thereby.

The veins pulsating in my arms are a testament to the life ahead,
But the confused muscle in my chest refuses to see the light overhead;
My body fights for existence but the grovelling feeling of doom takes over,
Consuming my blood and tricking my mind to believe that all will be at bliss with the dawn of a perfect lover.

1 comment

  • The central idea has been expressed wonderfully well. Keep Writing

    Rishit Sonchhatra

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