Enroute from Bendakaluru – Delhi Poetry Slam

Enroute from Bendakaluru

By Priyanka Bhandarkar

Part 2

A. The roads are crowded with vehicles
and the people are in jeopardy
like on the crossroads of destiny.
The wind is blowing on my face
watching the pedestrians, I was amazed.
toys,flowers and raw mangoes everywhere
sellers,middle class or whores about their wares.

B.a packet of chips in my hand,the windows of my car were open
As I watched these people in silence
the sweat,the toil and tears by the garbage dump I witnessed
these being interpersonal and curious elements,
awarding myself a medal for my observations,I smiled.
Or was it remorse or resentment?

C.The pride of the country are the people
Of this third world nation
Filled with intellectuals and rants.
The culture,the traveller's and the fans included
Feeling the pain and addressing the change
Are these helping hands granted?
denying to come out of their old ways,is it scorn they hold?

D.the perfection understood I was taken unaware
With the bicycles, the scooters,the rickshaws and trucks down the rear,
And I count the number of buildings with rare satisfaction
There were hotels,homes,shops and public toilets down the road
And the service road ends there by magic joining the beginning of the crowd.
Seeing the bridge,the flyway and the intersection, I was proud.

1)Then again the sun provided an immediate disguise to the copper,aluminum and plastic utensils;
A brown glaze surrounded the hours of dusk and dawn
The dew required no colors,
I was feeling like a moron.

2)The water flushed down the streets,the people rather living it.
The innocence of these people kept me guessing
Maybe a probably aspect of them on the road cleaning,washing and squatting.

3)The Men,Women and children withstood the strength of time
By just gathering the involuntary motion of these vulnerables with their will power,
Crossing limits they survived.But my car was kept waiting by the side.

4)They returned from elsewhere for their daily chores
The children walked calmly by holding on to the hands of their mother
If this was the truth,the triumph but seemed unbearable.
I was feeling cold but was surprised to see the smile on their faces
I had the option to walk away or stop there itself as my car trudged along,
Suddenly there sounded a horn carrying me back to my place in the BMW.

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