Dopamine – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Saniya Hooda

Love the way you lied to me
That you didn't cry over me
Or didn't pray for my wellness
When i was suffering from some illness

It wasn't love at first site
But something worth enough to fight
When you didn't listen to me
And you couldn't just let yourself be
The version you thought you could
Or maybe something that would
Turn out to make me happy
You always listened to what i wanted

Sometimes somethings hold us back
To make a strong future stand
To make our dreams just true enough
And get someone to celebrate with us

But time's quite a powerful guy
It breaks you , makes you , counts your tears all night
And let's you know who's good enough
To push you forward to be tough
And we usually don't just show up
Cause we fear the love that had hurt
But deep down it's somewhere creeps
The hope inside us never sleeps

Accepting things we don't want to
But believing in that someone true
Who promised to be there
No matter what the person will bear
The pain with you to make you smile
And make you think the way out right
To let your aspirations high
And make you even bake a pie !

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