By Ada Aggarwal
My mirthful personality was covered with a veneer of disgust,
I was uncertain if the situation was malignant,
And if what I was going through was really unjust?
Every morning, by a dark figure, I was hushed.
But when I studied everything was too predominant….
Was him touching himself truly just?
Was it me..Did I mess up….Did I have to adjust?
I wish I could have been strong and indignant.
Because my joyful feelings were masked by layers of disgust,
I wondered, “Was this situation worthy of being discussed?
Was this adverse circumstance concomitant….
Was this distressing situation I was in, actually unjust?
I decided to become spirited and do what was must.
It was time to speak up and become emergent,
Because my happiness was masked by layers of disgust….
Because the situation was nothing but unjust.