Devoting To Divine: A Jolt from Zilch to Zenith – Delhi Poetry Slam

Devoting To Divine: A Jolt from Zilch to Zenith

By Manvi Chaudhary 


In the midst of Darkness when the Dawn seems to have no start
The sparkling hues of happiness when appear to be a portion of just our past
When the motive of living juggle in a mystic Jar
And mind tends to play a set of dissonant guitar
Wake up to reality then depicts the true purpose of our life waiting to get restart
And one solution to countless problems “The Spirituality” then proffers each and every query of ours
A close preview of scriptures at that time need to have an immediate attention
Surrender to divine is required to cut the cycle of this devilish pageant
Good deeds done to collect the choicest blessings
Bring glories of happiness garnishing our life with a blissful dressing
Wrong actions taken to accomplish some wildest dreams
Bring a gloomy scream of sorrows for our future streams
But when even little efforts are made to please god
Then these tiny devotional packets save us miraculously from the hit of Karmic rod
Mindset to stop the creation of new karmic cyclic rounds
Clear gigantic chunks of dirt of our Karmic sounds
Better is to leave the expectations of fruits of our actions
To stop inviting anxieties and frustrations as a sorrowful reaction
But sometimes leaving the fruits of actions becomes difficult, as it provides no source of motivation
So best is to add God in every Task that is undertaken
Working for happiness of God will not only make our Karma Divine
But slowly and gradually it will take away the wit of accomplishing material world’s false shine
God is never responsible for any action we perform whether good or bad
As he has given us a free will to do what we want enshrining his true love for our rehab
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction scientific principle also says
Then no point is left to blame the divine for our life cradle to sway
When Karma is done for happiness of god with complete vigor and astound
Then the supreme promised to cancel the bad karmic account of crores of lives in just a click of sound
Remembering God every time is the key to prevent getting into upcoming circle of Karmic whine
Wavering life will then find a balance and every moment whether good or bad will feel like a gift of divine
Happiness in true sense will then be realized
And flickering pleasures will no more tend to make us hypnotize
Darkness will be replaced not only by bright colours of hope
Confidence to become somebody’s sunshine will also be bestowed
Divinity will then play a melody of harmonious flute
And heart will rejoice in the plethora of a blissful pursuit

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