Despaired, Now Reviving – Delhi Poetry Slam

Despaired, Now Reviving


I remember the old times
A place where bright and fragrant flowers bloomed,
The birds sang their sweet song
And laughter filled the air
That's the place I lived in
Every one lived in love and happiness..
But this place had a foe
Who was trying to reach his toe into my land
He tried many times but failed.
so he called in the big guns and soon this valley was flooded with fuels of sorrow, grief, pain, rivalry, greed
The ones who I trusted are now overlooked
The ones who i loved are now hated
And the ones who I wanted to live now wanted to die
All was despaired
I never thought such a safe and a happy place could turn into a graveyard with the names forever remembered but their love lost...
But i know this won't last long
b'cause I felt the heartbeat of the land.
Now, it just needs hope, it needs faith it needs courage to go back to the old times..
I give it all I can
I shall put my whole effort and love for, care for, water some hope, as now it is as sensitive as a sappling which needs my complete attention or it will be it's last breath
I know this won't last long b'cause whatever is lost, at the end it will be found.
even if it won't be the same as before, it will be revived, it will be restored..


  • Very well written and wishing you good luck.

    Champa Sampath
  • At an age when I was trying to mug poems to ensure I could answer something in the next English class, you are writing poems.. was googling to understand “Despaired”..
    Keep it up.. All the best.. and again Very nice.

    Ram Prasad Atmakur
  • Very well written Snigdha, keep up the good work. You are so so talented, we are so proud of you. Wishing you all the vesy best, God bless you.

    Kiran Honnavara
  • Very very meaningful poem Snigdha Made me nostalgic, thinking how our lives were and what has become of it. This poem inspires hope in despair. Beautifully written. Keep writing and inspiring!!

    Sanjay Honnavara
  • Very well written Snigdha. God bless you ❤️

    Nandini V

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