Dear Coffin – Delhi Poetry Slam

Dear Coffin

By Dimple Adwani

Dear coffin, wait till
my soma turns to ruins,
Until this flower is wilted,
To be muddled with the Earthly smell,
To reach its final destination,
The Forever Home,
Wait until its soul weighs down,
In a live corpse moving around,
Withered and foul,
Under the vast sky,
leaving behind the ashes of my loved ones,
Burying me to move ahead,
To those adorable fantasies,
Wait till my role ends in the drama,
Till the theatre echoes with applause,
Until this journey becomes a legacy,
where a name lives by,
Without its soul and body,
Wait till the skies are grey,
Until this soul turns a prey,
and these hunters trap its life,
grabbing survival with their blunting knives,
Wait until the me within me is dead,
Till my eyes are bloody red,
With tears and laughter,
For the show ended,
Yet my role still pending,
Wait until I finish the act,
To let know if there's an end,
And voices crying 'the stage is yours',
Knowing I was never a part of the show,
Wait till I head towards you,
With my hopes buried before me,
and that day we shall cuddle,
For there was no home like you......

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