De-Evolution – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Ghalib Sultan

It all started, no one really knows when.
Or hasn’t it been there all the time?
Or hasn’t even Time started then?
Or from it came the beginning of Time ?
With it began the timeless beginning,
And followed it the beginning of everything.

Not knowing the Past and uncertain of the Future,
All started to take forms and formless forms.
Meanings and purposes had to be there; it was sure;
Or else how could there be, among the vast forms
An Order of some form ? the Question to all is so clear.

Answer has to come from the Starting Point
Of an Endless Tunnel and the sheer
Distance makes the Question itself quaint.
No light of knowledge could travel back that far,
Nor could it travel farther ahead,
So as to know things to come for sure.
Whether fairness to some, the Order provided,
And to others unfairness
Purpose to some and void to others,
Justice to some and to many injustice,
Is the glaring moot Question

If with the beginning
There existed an Order
Then why the Omnipotent
That created the Order
Wanted, after many many
Many milleniums after
The appearance of human being
So many religions that
Are Fighting each other ?

When the Order is Sublime
And its Creator the most Sublime
Why many Religions ?
Instead of one ?

The Question is so enthralling that
The Theologian, the Philosopher,
The Scientist, even the Politician
All have started answering.
In Affirmation, in Negation,
Or in sheer Confusion, in degrees of variation.
Lo - still survives the Layman in all this Murky Mist.

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