By Debajyoti Majumder
At times words burst out of me like violence
Enough to melt another Pompei
But for the most of the times I remain speechless
Searching for alphabets, words, verbs, adjectives, vowels at least some part of speech
Sometime I don’t even try
People think me dumb
I find this gathering hollow
Full of smoke, hard metal and cosmic dust
I search for Bob Dylan, perhaps Santana
My speech is often erratic
Like a mad bull raging in La Tomatina
Needless, clueless, apostropheless anything less than being sane
Shall I bring a single malt for you Sir?
No, thanks
You Madam
No, thanks
Can I get a mocktail
Sure Madam
No woman, no cry
No woman, no cry, eh, yeah
Little darling don't shed no tears
No woman, no cry
Its Bob Marley
It’s the smoke
It’s the voice
I often feel my mind needs cure
I look for tender hands embracing my hairs
No, not here
Beside the Blue Nile where sands meet desert
Where nomads take shelter in harsh winter
Where, little girls hide their milk teeth
While speaking my heart out I feel like t r em b lin g
A broken tooth, bleeding nose
Shall I request a song for you
No, thanks
I am no one to you
Neither you to me
The DJ knowns the floor but he doesn’t know us
The rumbling woofers
The thundering beats
Of no purpose to us
But rest seems to enjoy
Like there is no tomorrow
Live this night
Live full
The cocktail looks nice with the yellow umbrella
I saw the same yellow in museum immersed in brine labelled – yellow Amazonian frog
Oops! Its red
The cosmic green light reflecting off the disco Mirror Ball conspires to turn it yellow
Lets go somewhere
Somewhere, where city will sleep in peace,
Where, cars will stop & we can walk for the night
Where, we could see the milky way on velvety dark sky
Where, we could communicate in silence
Bill please
Its 5:30
Dews have started settling upon grass blades
The dark sky turning bright; scarlet
We haven’t asked for each other’s names
Anyway, you may call me “onion”
More you peel the more tears you will have.
Your eyes have already swollen.
Let’s go for some sleep....