Conflict – Delhi Poetry Slam



Me and you, body and soul
Bound by birth, bound till death
You speak to me when there is silence everywhere
In a language which only I can understand

Why then do I not want to hear
those words that you whisper in my ear
Why then do I feign ignorance
To those meaningful words you so wisely utter

Your voice should be proof enough for me
That I am never for a moment alone
But then I look at the mirror
And choose to see only me

You see my tears as they form in my heart
And tell them not to reach my eyes
They hear those words but cannot obey
As I tell those tears to make me blind

You try to untie the knots of those moments
That are fiercely struggling to break free
But my mind is my slave and only listens to me
As it tightens those very knots to its glee

You whisper those sweet nothings in my ears
And I momentarily get distracted
But then that’s all it is, just that one moment
When I lose my sense of being

I am back at once and you realize it too
As something heavy weighs on you
But you cannot and will not give up
Because you know it’s not to be borne alone

Why then is it so difficult for me
To grasp your words and your actions
For who else can ever understand
Your mystical language but me

I realize now how selfish I have been
The pain you feel is no less than mine
Yet you thought only of me
Waiting for me to muster up courage

Because only when one heals, will the other too
We are not just together, we are one
Me and you, body and soul
Bound by birth, bound till death


  • Agree that the language only we can understand. Bound between u & me is like soul & body

  • Real and TRUE,
    One must Always Remember.


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