Carpe Diem – Delhi Poetry Slam

Carpe Diem

By Athul Raj 


How naive was my little heart?
To think the bruises I got
From running were the most hurt I'd ever be.
Now, with these bruises and cuts
That can't be seen,
I tell my younger self,
"How lucky you are to not be aware
Of the bruises of the heart!"

How naive was my little heart?
To think that the blue sky
And yellow life will last
The dreamy evenings
And uncaring mornings
will stretch to eternity.

How naive was my little heart?
To think that I can wander forever
In my barefoot and not care for any hustles
Of adulthood and hardships of old age
Only if I could sit once more with my buddies at
Last bench again;
Chewing snacks while the teacher
Turns to the blackboard
And her voice lost in our
Teasing and laughter.

And how naive was my little heart?
To think that my parents were immortal
And I can hurry myself to their arms
Whenever I stumble and fall
Like a northern star
guiding a sailor
And now I’m in debt
Of a kiss I still owe
To my dear father
Thinking tomorrow is a friend.

How naive was my little heart?
To believe that time was a gentle stream
Only to be proved wrong
It’s a raging river
Swiftly pulling me away from cherished shores.

I am nothing but a firefly
And I realize
each flicker, is a moment
precious and dear.
So I tell my still naive heart,
“Carpe Diem.”


  • ♥️

  • Proud and moved, my dear friend.

    Anand AS
  • Carpe Diem


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