Another Side of Love ! – Delhi Poetry Slam

Another Side of Love !

By Kakchingtabam Ritesh Sharma


"Various realms or portals have been opened by the so called virtual reality. The name itself have a humongous answer to our brain , not visible to the eye to the very extent of farce .
Yes , I said it , it's a farce of perception and deception.
Why divide the divided with help of AI with you boasting the completeness of achievement.
May be it's a revival of the 15th century bringing us back to the very definition of extravagance and popularity.
If you try to compare the farce and social media, you have to go back centuries or study the very probable meaning of Charlie's Films .
Like every elements in plays or dramas , social media has its vernacular form of showing it .
Status was already prone to us , as already described by the likes Ben Johnson and Oscar Wilde or the very providence of Jane Austen.
We like it, the sinister way of counting the numbers i.e the likes , dislikes , comments, uploads and obviously who have seen it .
Why sinister ? Cause it makes our day . I am not the taking away the liberty and essence of so called mimics of happiness but it gets into you above your head conjuring, lurking and leasing you to ponder over .
May be or not to be in a way of thinking the other side around of impact
,it has created on the consciousness of your mobile phone contacts .
May be it has got to do with the inevitable gap between the poor , the immovable middle class and the brisk stock of rich class .
Many will deny the fact that it's just a presumption of a man who might have the audacity of being accepted by others or may be jealous of its own vendetta.
But, it is likely to be improvised soon in our life making it trivial and tactful .
I am no one , may be I am the nerd or weird guy next door whom you might called for help or may be just a stalker of your status ."

1 comment

  • Beautifully written. Awesome job Mr. Ritesh sharma kakchingtabam. Hope to see more of it.

    Tenzin lhamo

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