An ode to womanhood – Delhi Poetry Slam

An ode to womanhood

By Aditya Sadashiv

What a woman is, is a spirit adorned with patience,

while this world is, an exasperating cobweb,

the cobweb that traps her to test her endurance,

the endurance, a jewel that her crown bores.


What a woman has, is a heart with unfathomable depth,

and a face that adorns the undaunted serenity,

the serenity of her mind, a wide sea of emotions,

emotions that arose from the epitome of empathy that she is.


What a woman's eyes have, are terrible thunderstorms,

raging at what the society expects her to be,

yet what she does is nurture and nurse,

nurse all wounds, all the while those eyes aren't biased.


What a woman is, is an ever flowing river from eternity,

flowing through the jagged stone banks of deplorable opinions,

opinions that the society wants to constrain her in,

yet what the river sings is the song of compassion.


What a woman's tears are, are pearls of her fortitude, 

and of the strength deep down about which you know not,

the strength she preaches about while living her life, 

with the secrets that her gentle soul is encompassed of.


What a woman became, was the reason for cycle of life,

sowing the seeds of life, all the while bearing them,

becoming the sun whose light those saplings need,

and a Goddess for the world to look upon.


What a woman is, is the beauteous, mighty earth,

the earth that merges into her every drop of rain that falls,

and bears upon herself the density of all races alike,

while we all find ourselves pampered in the warmth of her motherhood.


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