An Ode To An Aspiring Pilot – Delhi Poetry Slam

An Ode To An Aspiring Pilot

By Sitharaam Jayakumar

The stormy winds shake the aircraft hard,

As we fly high up in the sky.

I don’t feel any terror nor am I scared,

For I know I am safe as I soar high.


People around me stare at each other,

As they perspire in severe trepidation.

Fearful of the heavy drops of water that pour,

And seem to be emanating straight from heaven.


I smile calmly to myself

Relaxed in my secret knowledge

That nothing can happen to others or thyself

As the shuddering and rattling grow savage.


There is a flicker of lightning outside,

And a young child cries aloud.

I am still not scared, but I turn around,

To hear her mother’s soothing chide.


And then I glance through the window.

The sound of thunder above the aircraft’s roar makes people shiver.

The aircraft shudders and terror grows,

But I am not subject to even mild fear.


Suddenly the lights are on inside the aircraft.

The stewardess calmly moves down the aisle.

Checking our seats and our seat belts.

To make sure everything is ready for the final glide.


An old woman next to me groans in anguish.

She clutches me with sweaty palms.

I pat her soothingly on the shoulders.

She nods at me and releases her fingers.


The aircraft makes its way towards land.

Shuddering and shaking in air pockets.

Finally we touch down with tires that skid.

We come to a standstill and thank our lucky stars.


God bless the pilot, cheer on the passengers.

She is a real ace indeed, says everyone.

Finally we reach the aircraft doors.

We are soon inside the airport and I grin.


Now I will let you in on the secret,

That kept me so calm and cool in the face of near calamity.

I knew the person who was at the helm as the pilot,

Was none other than my darling daughter who is an expert.

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