A Wild Goose Chase – Delhi Poetry Slam

A Wild Goose Chase

By Prerona Dutta

One fine summer's afternoon
As the feisty sun shone down
Upon a thirsting cityscape
Neatly sculpted to a frown,
A solitary goose landed
In the middle of a street
Hungry, lost in transit,
Separated from its fleet.

Not a single vehicle paused
As it scurried towards the curb,
Blending in its own way
With an unruly suburb.
In minutes, the goose had learnt
A lesson on surviving life,
With new-found overconfidence
It felt ready for every strife.

This graying neighborhood
Might not be appealing to most,
But the new bird on the block
Found it to be a good host;
For in the lands it came from
Well-watered and lush green,
It stuck out like a sore thumb
The more it tried to stay unseen.

Foraging through traffic
Now became a daily chore,
The goose no longer cared for
What tomorrow holds in store.
It is not that in particular
Our friend was hell-bent on being dead,
But only the deafening noise outside
Silenced those inside its head.

Maybe we jumped in too soon
To mock its pluck and skill,
For it seems to know what it's doing
And things aren't going downhill.
Days fly while the lonely goose
Morphs into you and I,
Living 'tween chasing and being chased
Slick just enough to not die.

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