A Whirlwind Romance – Delhi Poetry Slam

A Whirlwind Romance


Between the seasons of lonely winter and sultry summer
I heard the bell of a union toll
Far off with miles of black top roads
I heard it true
I heard it all

It was abrupt but well worn
where a story of love joined in vain
Both shrouded in their cold mystery
They came together despite Great Cupid's miss
A scratch from the gold arrow
and along came the long trail of sorrow

Unexpectedly they lied on and
Love became a game to be won
As summer dragged on
the ties between them became as loose as a weathering stone
I tell you, I saw it true
I saw it all

Along the side-lines
I took a look into that trail
Both at fault and
Their hearts in drain
Running off to the landscape of escapades
Better than Houdini and Alice
They tumbled down further
with a magical front as their curtain
they fell deeper into the rabbits hole
Their union now a cursed howl

It wasn't all them
No! I can't say at all
There were other hungry hyenas at the crawl
Pitching their tents and awaiting a break
A chink in the wall
and off they go to Ball
Playing them both like marionettes
Then after all the flesh was hurt
they left them both to fade

Sadly, it doesn't stop here
The eloped lovers had more in store
Now living like two strangers in the world
Temptations and grim affairs
visited like a laughing stock
one after another with no remorse
Love, lust, hate and lies
All came together on a mid-summer night
Their hides now torn to bits
Their game now lost in teary hic
It all became clear
It all became true

A mistake made in the haste to escape
Both souls now left with a basket of hate
Years of brawling and months of wounds
All boiled down to paper and pen
A lesson learnt
A fool on hunt

What a whirlwind romance I must say!

Caught between the seasons of waning winter and lonely summer
I heard the howls of two broken lovers
crying not for each other
but haunting one another

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