A MERE MOMENT – Delhi Poetry Slam


By Swetha K.  


I want to sleep, but I can't
My heart ticks away
Merging with every racing thought in my head
It deprives me of rest
And it deprives me of peace
Is that too much to ask for?
A mere moment to myself
Without the fear of time
Without the fear of failure
That's all I ask
A moment where I can lie
Without an ounce of worry in my head
I would savour that nap
Relishing in every second that it extends
Each additional minute would be a blessing
And I would hold it with the utmost care
My heart wouldn't race
And my mind would be subdued
With every second that I cherish, life wanes
I have enticed death
The master of all
I have called its name without meaning to
I have sought it in every wish of mine
And as it descends
I cannot find it in myself
To part with my newfound peace
I would gladly dance along the halls of hell
If it meant I could have
A minute more to myself

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