By Avery Banerjee
A is for Alan washed up on the shore.
B is for Bashir displaced by the war.
C is for Cara strangled by her nanny.
D is for Daemon beaten by his granny.
E is for Elise raped and killed.
F is for Fareen with her lady bits sealed.
G is for Garima dumped in a bin.
H is for Henry assaulted by his kin.
I is for Igor who froze to death.
J is for Jamal forced into meth.
K is for Kenny who was shot at school.
L is for Leonard, drowned in a pool.
M is for Mamoon who died of starvation.
N is for Naina killed by plastic suffocation.
O is for Olga bullied by her peers.
P is for Pearl pushed down the stairs.
Q is for Qadr blown away by a bomb.
R is for Riya - missing and gone.
S is for Sara run over by police.
T is for Tia sacrificed for peace.
U is for Uriel who was never vaccinated.
V is for Velma, kidnapped and asphyxiated.
W is for Winona killed by malaria.
X is for Xavier who died of diarrhoea.
Y is for Yosef thrashed by their teacher.
Z is for Zach, killed for “looking queer”.